Eggless Flavoured Custard Powder Recipe | How to Make Ice Cream Powder At Home


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How to make custard powder easily at home
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Eggless Flavoured Custard Powder Recipe | How to Make Ice Cream Powder At Home.If you are a dessert lover Custard powder is a stable ingredient in your kitchen. Suppose you are making a recipe and in the middle, you realise that there is no more Custard powder in your pantry, then at least you should know how to make it. And why to use and waste money on a store-bought a packaged product with added preservatives when you can easily make it by yourself within just 5 minutes using 3 main ingredients in which Corn starch is the main one.

How to make custard powder

Make eggless Custard powder plain or with any flavour of your choice like- Strawberry Custard Powder, Mango Custard Powder, Kesar Pista Custard Powder, Vanilla Custard Powder,Caramel Custard powder and Chocolate Custard Powder. You just need to add your choice of flavour and food colour with the main ingredient to make your own choice of Custard powder.Vanilla Custard powder is the most common and versatile flavour of Custard powder recipe which can be used in many dessert recipes.

The basic use of a Custard powder is to thicken the liquid and to make it smooth and creamy.So it has a wide use .Custard powder is not only used to make fruit custard but we can also make sweets, sweet sauces, Cakes and Cake topping using it..

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How to make custard powder easily at home

Eggless Flavoured Custard Powder Recipe | How to Make Ice Cream Powder At Home

Make eggless custard powder without any preservatives at home in any flavour
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Fusion
Servings 250 GM
Calories 91 kcal


  • 1 cup Sugar / Cheeni
  • 1/2 cup Corn starch
  • 1/2 cup Milk powder
  • 1 tsp Vanilla


  • Grind Sugar into a fine powder adding Vanilla.
  • Sift into a bowl and also add in Milk powder and Corn starch.
  • Mix and fill into a airtight container.
  • Can be stored in cool dry place for about 6 months.

Mix and serve.

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